Underground Explorers:
Getting ready to head up the 6442 raise
Underground Explorers:
Mike and Kevin approach the 6500 level
Underground Explorers:
Everyone on the 6500 level
Underground Explorers:
Looking back at the raise
Underground Explorers:
Powder box
Underground Explorers:
Big fan
Underground Explorers:
Heading east on 6500
Underground Explorers:
A raise
Underground Explorers:
Keep you damned line off station...
Underground Explorers:
Another raise with ugly ladders
Underground Explorers:
Looking higher up
Underground Explorers:
Air tank
Underground Explorers:
Yet another raise
Underground Explorers:
Continuing east
Underground Explorers:
Air control sheeting
Underground Explorers:
Borehole on the other side
Underground Explorers:
The back side of the wall
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
A stope above
Underground Explorers:
Continuing east
Underground Explorers:
A split in the drift
Underground Explorers:
Work station
Underground Explorers:
Transformer and switch
Underground Explorers:
What have we here?
Underground Explorers:
Two boreholes
Underground Explorers:
Dead animal in the utility borehole
Underground Explorers:
Looking up the utility borehole
Underground Explorers:
Looking down the big borehole
Underground Explorers:
Continuing east
Underground Explorers:
Blasting cap crate