Underground Explorers:
Let's see what's behind door #1
Underground Explorers:
Not much it seems
Underground Explorers:
Except a winze going up to the main shaft!
Underground Explorers:
Dav looks up the Moody Raise
Underground Explorers:
Mike looks up the Moody Raise
Underground Explorers:
Storage rooms around the corner
Underground Explorers:
Looking inside
Underground Explorers:
Ding Dongs!
Underground Explorers:
Heading back out
Underground Explorers:
Off to explore 6200 south
Underground Explorers:
Nothing there!
Underground Explorers:
A substantial collapse
Underground Explorers:
This looks perfectly safe
Underground Explorers:
Refuge station sign
Underground Explorers:
More water
Underground Explorers:
Flooded drift with platform
Underground Explorers:
An artsy look
Underground Explorers:
What have we here?
Underground Explorers:
Freon injection system and thermal sensors
Underground Explorers:
An office underground
Underground Explorers:
ICBM Deep Basing!
Underground Explorers:
Inside the office
Underground Explorers:
Heading further south
Underground Explorers:
Another flooded drift
Underground Explorers:
Prismatic oil sheen
Underground Explorers:
Active water drain hole
Underground Explorers:
Mike checks out the drift
Underground Explorers:
Continuing south
Underground Explorers:
Nice steel sets
Underground Explorers:
Stuffed chute and raise