Underground Explorers:
Morning at the Geologist's Cabin
Underground Explorers:
Checking out a nearby canyon
Underground Explorers:
Emmett's Cabin
Underground Explorers:
Very nice inside
Underground Explorers:
Working propane stove
Underground Explorers:
Looking down on the cabin
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
Looking up the tramline to the mine
Underground Explorers:
Brad takes a break
Underground Explorers:
Looking across Butte Valley
Underground Explorers:
Headframe above a shaft
Underground Explorers:
Ken prepares to enter the remaining opening
Underground Explorers:
Ken returns from the collapsed shaft
Underground Explorers:
Looking up at the headframe and tram station
Underground Explorers:
A closer look at the tram station
Underground Explorers:
The winch was quite a hack job
Underground Explorers:
Wooden spoke wheel with brake
Underground Explorers:
Kurt tries out the winch
Underground Explorers:
Ore bucket at the bottom of the tram line
Underground Explorers:
Mill at Warm Springs
Underground Explorers:
Powered arrastre
Underground Explorers:
Warm Springs
Underground Explorers:
Warm Springs
Underground Explorers:
Not what you expect to find in Death Valley
Underground Explorers:
Kurt tries out the board
Underground Explorers:
The view out from the buildings
Underground Explorers:
Another building
Underground Explorers:
Nice fireplace
Underground Explorers:
A most unusual group shot
Underground Explorers:
The UEC-124 Mine