Underground Explorers: Looking down the canyon
Underground Explorers: Someone made a makeshift shower
Underground Explorers: Tram station ruins
Underground Explorers: It's a long way up to the other end!
Underground Explorers: Disused road grader
Underground Explorers: Safe at the UEC-117 Mine
Underground Explorers: The UEC-117 Mine mill complex
Underground Explorers: A closer look at the boiler
Underground Explorers: A closer look at the mill and ore bin
Underground Explorers: Mill equipment
Underground Explorers: Mill equipment
Underground Explorers: An Archimedes screw on the ball mill
Underground Explorers: Stamps from a stamp mill battery
Underground Explorers: Looking west into Panamint Valley
Underground Explorers: Looking east up the canyon
Underground Explorers: Entering the UEC-118 Mine
Underground Explorers: Looking up a shaft
Underground Explorers: Descending through a stope
Underground Explorers: A chute at the bottom of the stope
Underground Explorers: Another wing of the stope
Underground Explorers: Ore chute from above
Underground Explorers: The drift below
Underground Explorers: Another chute from the stope above
Underground Explorers: A whole bunch of collapse
Underground Explorers: The drift continues
Underground Explorers: That's no drift, it's an adit!
Underground Explorers: A chute right inside the portal
Underground Explorers: Looking back at the portal