Underground Explorers:
Isolated ore bin
Underground Explorers:
Incredible folded strata
Underground Explorers:
Our first look at the UEC-107 Mine
Underground Explorers:
Our first close look at the ore bin
Underground Explorers:
The view heading up the tailings pile
Underground Explorers:
On top of the workings
Underground Explorers:
Mike surveys the mine
Underground Explorers:
The adit awaits
Underground Explorers:
Heading in
Underground Explorers:
The first powder magazine
Underground Explorers:
Workbench inside
Underground Explorers:
Informal geocache
Underground Explorers:
Looking back towards the portal
Underground Explorers:
The second powder magazine
Underground Explorers:
Looking up an exploratory stope
Underground Explorers:
Looking up a large chute and equipment slide
Underground Explorers:
Chute and crate
Underground Explorers:
Intact signage
Underground Explorers:
Another exploratory stope
Underground Explorers:
A vein of rust colored dirt
Underground Explorers:
Stacy checks out a raise
Underground Explorers:
Looking up
Underground Explorers:
Down another drift
Underground Explorers:
Looking up another raise
Underground Explorers:
End of the line
Underground Explorers:
Follow the signs!
Underground Explorers:
Looks inviting
Underground Explorers:
Mike heads up
Underground Explorers:
Stacy follows
Underground Explorers:
Heading further up