Underground Explorers:
Aproaching the Rob Roy Mine
Underground Explorers:
Collapsed remains at the Rob Roy Mine
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
The loading platform from below
Underground Explorers:
The loading platfrom from above
Underground Explorers:
A small adit
Underground Explorers:
Another adit
Underground Explorers:
Inside the adit
Underground Explorers:
Heading up the hill towards more adits
Underground Explorers:
Yet another adit
Underground Explorers:
The adit split into several drifts
Underground Explorers:
The end of the final drift
Underground Explorers:
A steeply inclined exploration shaft
Underground Explorers:
Open stope
Underground Explorers:
A cool old Ford truck (with a Flathead V8)
Underground Explorers:
Ibex Springs ghost town
Underground Explorers:
Ibex Springs ruins
Underground Explorers:
Ibex Springs Ruins
Underground Explorers:
Storeroom in Ibex Springs
Underground Explorers:
Ibex Springs Ruins
Underground Explorers:
Jeff feels the call of nature