Underground Explorers: Loading area ruins at Inca
Underground Explorers: A huge hopper
Underground Explorers: Looking into the belly of the beast
Underground Explorers: Underground storage tank
Underground Explorers: Freshly gated adit at the Black Jack Mine
Underground Explorers: Unhappy non-Underground Explorers
Underground Explorers: Unhappy Stacy
Underground Explorers: Mine closure work in progress
Underground Explorers: Unsealed portions of the mine
Underground Explorers: Stacy at the bottom
Underground Explorers: Unnamed (and unmapped) mine
Underground Explorers: The view down the main shaft
Underground Explorers: Secondary shaft
Underground Explorers: BLM contractor crew gating an open stope
Underground Explorers: Stacy in an unsealed adit
Underground Explorers: This fella didn't read the "Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign
Underground Explorers: Black Jack Mine ore bin
Underground Explorers: Freshly gated Black Jack Mine adit