Underground Explorers: Entering the Victor Mine
Underground Explorers: Yet another mummified coyote
Underground Explorers: Descending towards the closest winze
Underground Explorers: Dave enters the winze
Underground Explorers: Stacy enters the winze
Underground Explorers: Looking down towards the first level
Underground Explorers: Stacy descends
Underground Explorers: Stacy checks out a sealed shaft
Underground Explorers: The top of a large winze
Underground Explorers: Torture device for bad miners?
Underground Explorers: Looking up another huge winze
Underground Explorers: Rubble from backfilling on the drift floor
Underground Explorers: Crushed timbers
Underground Explorers: Stacy checks out another huge winze
Underground Explorers: There was clear evidence of flowing water on the drift floor
Underground Explorers: Smashed blower
Underground Explorers: The sealed end of the drift
Underground Explorers: Another smashed blower
Underground Explorers: Huge eye bolt in the back
Underground Explorers: Nearing another filled portion
Underground Explorers: Burned and wrecked machinery
Underground Explorers: Cart dump gearing and motor platform
Underground Explorers: Metal stairs going up to the cart dump
Underground Explorers: Dave checks out the cart dump drum
Underground Explorers: Roller chain drive
Underground Explorers: Mike checks out the cart dumper
Underground Explorers: The amazing ore cart dumper