Underground Explorers: Alliance Talc Mine
Underground Explorers: Alliance Talc Mine
Underground Explorers: Alliance Tac Mine shaft and ore bin
Underground Explorers: An Alliance Talc Mine shaft
Underground Explorers: The collapsed a debris filled bottom of the shaft
Underground Explorers: Collapsed drift one level up from the bottom
Underground Explorers: The view up from the first level
Underground Explorers: Stacy rappels down
Underground Explorers: Crushed and collapsed drift
Underground Explorers: Stacy checks our the carnage
Underground Explorers: Mike in the drift
Underground Explorers: Stacy returns from retriving the rope bag
Underground Explorers: Mike prepares to ascend
Underground Explorers: The Alliance Talc shaft and our anchor
Underground Explorers: Looking down on the shaft and Jeep
Underground Explorers: Alliance Talc Mine ore bin
Underground Explorers: Talc City Mine
Underground Explorers: Talc City Mine ore bin
Underground Explorers: Talc City Mine headframe
Underground Explorers: Stacy descends into the Viking Mine shaft
Underground Explorers: Stacy ascends from the Viking Mine
Underground Explorers: De-rigging the Viking Mine
Underground Explorers: Jeff, Mike and Stacy with the Viking Mine camp in the background