Underground Explorers:
Setting up to respool the hoist cable
Underground Explorers:
The cable slowly spools
Underground Explorers:
Jeff mans the throttle
Underground Explorers:
Our first shaft to search on Lead Mountain
Underground Explorers:
Stuart gears up
Underground Explorers:
Stuart heads down
Underground Explorers:
A second shaft in the same area
Underground Explorers:
Robert gears up
Underground Explorers:
Robert heads down
Underground Explorers:
Inside the shaft
Underground Explorers:
Looking up at Miah
Underground Explorers:
Jeff emerges from yet another shaft
Underground Explorers:
A short adit we also searched
Underground Explorers:
Stuart descends into another shaft east of Lead Mountain
Underground Explorers:
Mike gears up to check out a small shaft
Underground Explorers:
Looking up at Crystal
Underground Explorers:
One last adit to search on Lead Mountain
Underground Explorers:
It was very dusty inside
Underground Explorers:
A 250' deep winze we searched by remote camera
Underground Explorers:
Another drift in the mine
Underground Explorers:
The view down from the top of a stope
Underground Explorers:
The way out
Underground Explorers:
What a dirty couple!
Underground Explorers:
A small shaft at a complex near Yermo
Underground Explorers:
Miah descends
Underground Explorers:
Miah searches the bottom
Underground Explorers:
A collapsed stope
Underground Explorers:
Crystal searches the stope
Underground Explorers:
Looking out of the stope
Underground Explorers:
Robert and Jeff relax while Miah descends another shaft