Underground Explorers:
Trouble near the Supply Mine
Underground Explorers:
Dave checks out the Supply Mine adit
Underground Explorers:
The Gold Crown Mine main shaft
Underground Explorers:
Another Gold Crown shaft
Underground Explorers:
Miah rigging up to drop the shaft
Underground Explorers:
Miah descends
Underground Explorers:
Stacy prepares to drop the main shaft
Underground Explorers:
Down goes the rope!
Underground Explorers:
Stacy heads down
Underground Explorers:
Stacy descends
Underground Explorers:
Miah emerges from the 250' deep shaft
Underground Explorers:
Mike and Jim talk about the Gold Crown
Underground Explorers:
Stacy emerges after desceding 300'
Underground Explorers:
A traffic jam in the Supply Mine
Underground Explorers:
Stacy crosses the Supply Mine shaft
Underground Explorers:
Mike crosses the Supply Mine shaft
Underground Explorers:
Robert crosses the Supply Mine shaft
Underground Explorers:
Ladderway down in the Supply Mine
Underground Explorers:
Stacy heads down
Underground Explorers:
Miah explores the lower levels of the Supply Mine
Underground Explorers:
Stacy and Dave in the Supply Mine
Underground Explorers:
Stuart ascends from a lower level
Underground Explorers:
Path over a winze
Underground Explorers:
Getting ready to descend deeper
Underground Explorers:
A drift in the lower levels of the Supply Mine
Underground Explorers:
Robert takes a break
Underground Explorers:
Looking down another winze
Underground Explorers:
Stacy emerges from the lowest levels
Underground Explorers:
Dave emerges from below
Underground Explorers:
Miah heads lower