Underground Explorers: Ready to head out
Underground Explorers: Stacy the lookout
Underground Explorers: The Red Cloud Mine mill site
Underground Explorers: Driving to the Red Cloud Mine
Underground Explorers: Getting ready to explore the Red Cloud shaft
Underground Explorers: The Red Cloud main shaft
Underground Explorers: Mike gears up
Underground Explorers: Mike descends
Underground Explorers: A drift bisecting the shaft
Underground Explorers: It's actually an adit and an easier way in
Underground Explorers: The lower portions of the shaft
Underground Explorers: Stacy at one end of a drift
Underground Explorers: Inside the drift
Underground Explorers: Looking out towards the shaft
Underground Explorers: It seems we were intruding in someone's home!
Underground Explorers: Kurt comes down for a look
Underground Explorers: Stacy reaches the bottom
Underground Explorers: The view up from the bottom of the Red Cloud mine
Underground Explorers: Mike looking up at Kurt
Underground Explorers: Another adit near the main shaft
Underground Explorers: It wasn't very deep
Underground Explorers: Kurt and Mike in the adit
Underground Explorers: Long view of the Red Cloud Mine
Underground Explorers: Collapsed shaft
Underground Explorers: Engine/hoist base above the shaft
Underground Explorers: Mike, Kurt and Stacy at the Red Cloud Mine
Underground Explorers: A final look at the Red Cloud Mine valley
Underground Explorers: A small mine located off a wash
Underground Explorers: A drift inside the mine
Underground Explorers: View of the ledge from the mine