Underground Explorers:
Ramps, rails and supports on level four
Underground Explorers:
Kurt, Dave, Stacy and Jeff on level four
Underground Explorers:
Stacy explores level four
Underground Explorers:
Cribbing on level four
Underground Explorers:
Looking up the incline from level four
Underground Explorers:
Stacy explores level four
Underground Explorers:
Metal lined wood ore cart on level four
Underground Explorers:
Stacy explores an ore chute
Underground Explorers:
Stacy and Kurt at the end of level four (north)
Underground Explorers:
Stacy, Kurt and the ore cart
Underground Explorers:
Mike and the ore cart
Underground Explorers:
I swear we look like the Village People in this shot
Underground Explorers:
Near the level five adit
Underground Explorers:
The Sierra Nevada Mountains from the level five adit
Underground Explorers:
Outside the level five adit
Underground Explorers:
Outside the level five adit
Underground Explorers:
Dave outside the level five adit
Underground Explorers:
Stacy and Dave outside the powder room
Underground Explorers:
Jeff gives Stacy a boost
Underground Explorers:
Stacy checks out a chute
Underground Explorers:
Dave ponders the way up
Underground Explorers:
Kurt reaches level six
Underground Explorers:
Level seven
Underground Explorers:
Kurt explores
Underground Explorers:
Big ceiling and small pillar
Underground Explorers:
Underground Explorers:
The Sierra Nevada Mountains by moonlight from the Reward Mine
Underground Explorers:
Reward Mine tram station by moonlight
Underground Explorers:
What's wrong with this group picture?