Underground Explorers:
Jeff in the lower levels
Underground Explorers:
Dave checks out a winze
Underground Explorers:
Note written in carbide
Underground Explorers:
Dave and Stacy in the lower levels
Underground Explorers:
Brad checks out a dead end
Underground Explorers:
Looking up the main incline
Underground Explorers:
Looking down the main incline
Underground Explorers:
Brad descends to Level 1
Underground Explorers:
Mike Descends to Level 1
Underground Explorers:
Headframe on the main level
Underground Explorers:
Looking down the second incline
Underground Explorers:
Further down the second incline
Underground Explorers:
A jumbled stope
Underground Explorers:
Kurt and Brad in the lower levels
Underground Explorers:
Jeff near a chute
Underground Explorers:
Mike near a chute
Underground Explorers:
Mike loses an arm to Kurt the Destroyer