Underground Explorers:
Ready to hit the road for our 600 mile adventure
Underground Explorers:
Fun and games at the Flying J
Underground Explorers:
Kurt getting his gear ready
Underground Explorers:
Stacy getting comfortable with War and Peace
Underground Explorers:
The end of the road!
Underground Explorers:
The Suburban on three wheels
Underground Explorers:
Mike cooking!?
Underground Explorers:
A surprise visit from the honey wagon
Underground Explorers:
Movie crew at the War Eagle Mine
Underground Explorers:
Saturday night bonfire
Underground Explorers:
Disposing of an old blasting cap
Underground Explorers:
Fire and camp
Underground Explorers:
Mike and the Suburban at the Western Talc Mine
Underground Explorers:
Looking down on the Western Talc Mine
Underground Explorers:
Another trip, another flat tire
Underground Explorers:
We couldn't believe it