Schreck: Test of 5D Mk II - Flowers
Schreck: The House from the end of the driveway.
Schreck: House from the corner of the front yard
Schreck: Fire plug
Schreck: Wide storytelling exposure from street corner
Schreck: Wide detail
Schreck: Playground 1
Schreck: Playground 2
Schreck: Playground 3
Schreck: Playground 4
Schreck: Playground 5
Schreck: Stopped down for lots of detail
Schreck: Wide open
Schreck: More playground
Schreck: Dale
Schreck: High ISO 25,600
Schreck: High ISO - 25,600 b/w
Schreck: High ISO - 12,800
Schreck: High ISO - 12,800 b/w
Schreck: Bill & Suzanne's New Place
Schreck: Rural Loveland
Schreck: Private Road
Schreck: Big Sky
Schreck: Lake Loveland 1
Schreck: Lake Loveland 2
Schreck: Spring Creek
Schreck: Water motion 1
Schreck: Water Motion 2
Schreck: Bike in motion
Schreck: Botched self portrait