Schreck: Arriving at Ball State
Schreck: Cool building
Schreck: Portfolio day
Schreck: You are kidding, right?
Schreck: This is where the art happens
Schreck: Clock Tower
Schreck: Clock Tower
Schreck: Walking the sidewalks at BSU
Schreck: Approach to Art and Journalism Building
Schreck: Eating area
Schreck: Inside the Art and Journalism building
Schreck: Indoor trees help you forget it is Winter in Indiana
Schreck: Interesting staircase arrangement
Schreck: Plants
Schreck: Lots of green indoors
Schreck: I love these reflections
Schreck: Shiny walls outside of cafe
Schreck: Paige munches a pretzel
Schreck: More waiting
Schreck: Empty hallways at the end of a Saturday
Schreck: Fake chair at the end of a hallway
Schreck: Art sign
Schreck: The long wait to be called
Schreck: Clock tower
Schreck: Landmark
Schreck: Notice board
Schreck: I bet this is pretty in the Spring
Schreck: Squirrel perch
Schreck: Squirrel
Schreck: Paige takes my picture