karrooite: don't bother me I'm eating
karrooite: SASP
karrooite: Mourning dove
karrooite: American woodcock
karrooite: American Woodcock
karrooite: EWPW
karrooite: Wilson's phalarope
karrooite: Northern fulmar
karrooite: Great shearwater
karrooite: Great shearwater
karrooite: Northern gannet
karrooite: surprisingly rufous song sparrow
karrooite: american bittern
karrooite: american bittern
karrooite: american bittern
karrooite: indigo bunting
karrooite: eastern phoebe
karrooite: eastern phoebe
karrooite: Booby from the right
karrooite: Booby from the left
karrooite: LESA
karrooite: marked sanderling
karrooite: SBDO
karrooite: SBDO - male and female?
karrooite: LESA, SESA, WRSA?
karrooite: LESA
karrooite: IMG_7738_a
karrooite: SBDO, STSA
karrooite: BBPL, SBDO, SEPL
karrooite: BBPL, RBGU, LAGU