Schnauf: Last Run
Schnauf: 890's New Power
Schnauf: I guess I'm a student at Nick Suydam U...
Schnauf: What, UP ran something cool?
Schnauf: Conductor plays "Have fun with the railfan!"
Schnauf: Mason City Sub!
Schnauf: One of My Last Days on the ICE
Schnauf: STLH Again
Schnauf: Back to October we shall go!
Schnauf: WC 3002 in Berwyn
Schnauf: CP 288 at Mile Creek Siding East
Schnauf: Wisconsin Dells
Schnauf: Second SD60
Schnauf: Sign of the Times...
Schnauf: First Train of the Day
Schnauf: Northbound CSX Road Freight
Schnauf: Semaphores Again!
Schnauf: NS Local Through Semaphores
Schnauf: The Good Ol' Days
Schnauf: Hey I'm Tristan Garrett!
Schnauf: LPJ04 at DeKalb
Schnauf: Sneaking around the coaling tower...
Schnauf: First time since July...
Schnauf: MNPPR- West Chicago
Schnauf: Yep, I'm satisfied for another week
Schnauf: Downtown Saint Paul
Schnauf: Ford Hauler
Schnauf: Short TCW transfer
Schnauf: CP Transfer from Humboldt
Schnauf: Pot O'Gold at Albert Lea?