TheAstroShake: 2012-11-12 M42 Orion Nebula 9x20s ISO1600
TheAstroShake: 2012-09-22 NGC884 NGC869 Double Cluster 9x10s ISO6400
TheAstroShake: 2012-10-14 Vega
TheAstroShake: M51, Whirlpool Galaxy (2013-02-16)
TheAstroShake: M51 Whirlpool Galaxy (2013-02-16, re-processed)
TheAstroShake: 2013-02-16 M82, the Cigar Galaxy, 43x20s ISO3200
TheAstroShake: Messier 13, the Hercules Globular Cluster
TheAstroShake: M104 Sombrero Galaxy, 2013-04-01
TheAstroShake: Messier 57 (M57), Ring Nebula, wide field
TheAstroShake: Vega, Vixen ED80sf APO, first light
TheAstroShake: First autoguided image, 120s ISO1600
TheAstroShake: 2013-05-07 Arcturus
TheAstroShake: 2013-05-07 Antares
TheAstroShake: 2013-05-07 Leo Triplet
TheAstroShake: 2013-05-07 Messier 5, 120s ISO800
TheAstroShake: 2013-05-11 M101 Pinwheel Galaxy
TheAstroShake: Messier 64, Black Eye Galaxy
TheAstroShake: Messier 64, Black Eye Galaxy (cropped)
TheAstroShake: Messier 29 and surrounding area (test image)
TheAstroShake: 2013-06-07 Messier 27, Dumbbell Nebula
TheAstroShake: 2013-06-07 Messier 27, Dumbbell Nebula, cropped
TheAstroShake: IC5146, the Cocoon Nebula, 2013-06-06
TheAstroShake: Before and After, IC5146 Cocoon Nebula
TheAstroShake: IC 1396A - The Elephant Trunk Nebula
TheAstroShake: IC 1396 Region and IC 1396A Elephant Trunk Nebula
TheAstroShake: IC1396 Before and After Post Processing
TheAstroShake: 2013-07-12 Messier's Eleven
TheAstroShake: My view of the Northern Hemisphere Milky Way, long exposure
TheAstroShake: My view of the Northern Hemisphere Milky Way, long exposure
TheAstroShake: 2013-07-11 - A work in progress, NGC 7023, The Iris Nebula