schmilblick: "Murder in the red barn" - Tom Waits
schmilblick: Shame the lit sign had been removed, or faded away.
schmilblick: Look at that roof
schmilblick: Blank sign
schmilblick: Inside the house with the sign
schmilblick: Massive door
schmilblick: Gör som handbollen...
schmilblick: Blurry junk
schmilblick: See through-house
schmilblick: Part of the yard
schmilblick: Devils playground?
schmilblick: A lawnmower stood in the middle
schmilblick: "Yard sale! Tires only! Pick your price!"
schmilblick: Disel, 5.2%
schmilblick: Tires tires tires...
schmilblick: Misc junk
schmilblick: Walking towards the shed
schmilblick: The shed (and some tires)
schmilblick: The inside of the shed.
schmilblick: Inside the shed
schmilblick: More tires
schmilblick: Blurry pic, inside of the shed
schmilblick: The paper in this file...
schmilblick: Strange ceiling collapse
schmilblick: This ceiling needs some serious fixing
schmilblick: Does it get creepier than this?
schmilblick: The man who lived here...
schmilblick: The flask