Schmidt Altitude: Stupid alpine alarm clock. I missed the pink on Baker!
Schmidt Altitude: Sunrise action over the Pickets (why didn't someone prod me out of my warm sleeping bag sooner?!)
Schmidt Altitude: Here comes the sun
Schmidt Altitude: Heading out with some strange color still left in the sky long past sunrise
Schmidt Altitude: Fall bite to the air
Schmidt Altitude: Vortex of clouds envelop Mount Shuksan's summit
Schmidt Altitude: If the tracks go this way, it must be a route!
Schmidt Altitude: Backpack maneuvers
Schmidt Altitude: Hannegan Peak sure looks far away....
Schmidt Altitude: Descending from Granite Mountain
Schmidt Altitude: Picking our way through the slightly annoying bushes
Schmidt Altitude: Looking back to where the big boom came from
Schmidt Altitude: Perfect camoflauge
Schmidt Altitude: Ptarmigan ready for winter
Schmidt Altitude: "Quick, everyone freeze!"
Schmidt Altitude: "Okay, now try and blend in."
Schmidt Altitude: Hannegan Peak, at long last
Schmidt Altitude: Clouds and light
Schmidt Altitude: I guess it's partly sunny....somewhere!
Schmidt Altitude: It's cold, why are we stopping for more pictures?!
Schmidt Altitude: Someone mentioned lunch at the pass and Yana quickly took off!
Schmidt Altitude: Hannegan Pass in sight
Schmidt Altitude: As one season comes to an end, another begins
Schmidt Altitude: The long trail home
Schmidt Altitude: Yana dismayed that the trail has been lengthened since we were last on it
Schmidt Altitude: Happy to be headed for home!
Schmidt Altitude: We filled out a complaint form to Mother Nature. She answered it in the form of mouse droppings.