Schmidt Altitude: No aid zone apparently :-(
Schmidt Altitude: Making tracks
Schmidt Altitude: La la la-la-la, la la-la la-lah!
Schmidt Altitude: Heading for Diamond Head
Schmidt Altitude: Following the skiers tracks
Schmidt Altitude: Iggy Team sans Iggies
Schmidt Altitude: Wamntgal flashes Dude her why are you taking my picture face
Schmidt Altitude: Diamond Head ahead
Schmidt Altitude: What is that strange bright orb?!
Schmidt Altitude: A pause before the climb
Schmidt Altitude: So close, yet so far
Schmidt Altitude: Extreme snow whippet
Schmidt Altitude: Kiefer breaks trail for me
Schmidt Altitude: Hard work, but refreshing!
Schmidt Altitude: Okay, I'm done breaking trail. Your turn.
Schmidt Altitude: Dad is still coming, right?
Schmidt Altitude: I don't like the stairclimber, Mom.
Schmidt Altitude: The group ascends
Schmidt Altitude: Views from the climb up
Schmidt Altitude: Follow the trench
Schmidt Altitude: Slow slog
Schmidt Altitude: Dude finally catching up
Schmidt Altitude: Views from the top of the climb
Schmidt Altitude: Wamtngal plows up the slope
Schmidt Altitude: At last, the end is in sight!
Schmidt Altitude: Whatcha doing Kiefer?
Schmidt Altitude: I have snow where?
Schmidt Altitude: Rainier from Diamond Head