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Getting up in the dark is not easy
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Golden Peaks views from the Summit Trail
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Dude takes the rear guard
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We're entering the wilderness - time to get primitive
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Boot alterations take 2
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Star Peak dominates the skyline
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Lakebaggers heaven
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The guys thought this looked like a nice shelter, Babe thought that the spiders that live there think the same thing
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Maximus wreaks havoc on the unnecessary bridge
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The basin below Baldy Mountain
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Boys lead the way
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Larches at every turn
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Looking over at Star Peak
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Babe blends in yellow
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Gateway to Finney
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Still on the Surprise Lake trail
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The route to Finney Lakes is discussed
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Cross country to Finney Lakes
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Mighty larch, Dude for scale
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Arrival at the first lake
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Northwest Finney Lake
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Golden shoreline
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Dude walks the shoreline
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Larches along Finney Lake
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Gold reflected in green
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More teal and gold interactions
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Heavy dose of larch
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Shoreline reflections
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Southeast Finney Lake