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The table is all set . . .
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. . . and the tree is all trimmed
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Bro and sis
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Chris is in the kitchen whipping up a gourmet meal
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Waving some of the smoke away from the detector
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Owen looks at his Star Wars activity book
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Claire serenades us with a piano solo . . .
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. . . but Olivia's not impressed
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Hey, you caught me in the kitchen
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Nevaril Family Christmas 2008
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Claire wants to open presents now!
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Luckily bedtime came before she made us all watch it
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Owen opens some LEGO Star Wars
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I want to open the big one . . .
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. . . oh, its the Diamond Castle!
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Does Tisha wish she was a little princess again?
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Claire dresses up in her new Barbie princess attire
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Uncle Jeremy brings out the best in his nieces
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Don't take my picture or else!
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Olivia tries to break uncle Jeremy's back
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Rhion's turn to open a present
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Rhion is in the Christmas spirit
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Claire places a bow right in Jeremy's eye
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Claire and Jer
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Olivia gives Jeremy a new hairstyle
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Rastachristmas mon!
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How about a new mustache
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Put it all together now
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A hug by the Christmas tree