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All dressed up with the whole trail to go
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Zeus Daddy gives yukon a few tips on how to use the GPS Santa brought him
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Cold weather ninja Babe
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What are we - cattle?
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At the Snoqualmie Valley lookout
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Hall of barren trees
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Up the well signed trail
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A colorful yukon leads the way
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Dude and Daddy kick it into high gear
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"I think the trail is this way"
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What beautiful weather
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Trail tape fail!
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Maybe it is time to put on the snowshoes?
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Hey, another sign!
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The wind blown trees only have snow on one side
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Hopefully it will be less windy in the woods
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Waiting for the rest to catch up
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We don't need no stinkin views!
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Time to negotiate another snowshoe tripping gate
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Taking a break . . .
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. . . until "Ole Iron Butt" breaks the sitting log
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Now we've found some powdery snow
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Zeus Daddy in a snowy corridor
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To infinity and beyond!
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The ritual summit circle stomp
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Radio towers at the Rattlesnake Mountain summit
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Babe doesn't look cold enough
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Rattlesnake Mountain summit group shot
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Brain freeze!
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Powder alley