Schmidt Altitude: Whatcha doing?
Schmidt Altitude: Using my new Blackberry Storm!
Schmidt Altitude: Shouldn't you be driving?
Schmidt Altitude: Hanging out at the Lykken's
Schmidt Altitude: She wore that cocktail dress / boots with the fur / shorty know the whole world is looking at her
Schmidt Altitude: Todd entertains Scott with a tall tale
Schmidt Altitude: Okay both of you smile . . .
Schmidt Altitude: . . . now make a face!
Schmidt Altitude: Say cheese!
Schmidt Altitude: Bad boyz!
Schmidt Altitude: Tisha and Josie
Schmidt Altitude: The Lykkens
Schmidt Altitude: The Schmidts
Schmidt Altitude: Hey, have you been working out?
Schmidt Altitude: The girls attract some new friends
Schmidt Altitude: Looking at the snow covered Olympics while driving over the Hood Canal Bridge