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Rowena practices hiking like the "two-leggers"
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Dude's patented "I'm falling way behind" shot
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Wet pine needles, perfect for treecipitation
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Do they wait while I take a picture - NO!
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Beside the DeRoux Creek waterfall
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Yukon earns his keep by breaking trail ;-)
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Dude on the way up Esmeralda
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Babe on route up Esmeralda
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Esmeralda's up here somewhere
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Kick stepping up Esmeralda
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We can finally see the summit, maybe
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Buried tree
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Dude at the last little bit
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Yukon's almost there
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Summit arrival
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Babe finds a wind screen
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The whippets are not happy with the cold conditions
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A misty summit shot on Esmeralda Peak
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The cold must have frozen our brains
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Yukon's wilderness experience is ruined!
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Ancient native american tool making site or just some people pounding on rocks - you decide
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In the basin below the SW ridge of Hawkins
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Following Justus and Iron's steps up to the ridge
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Just below the ridge crest
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On the false summit
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Yukon finds the Hawkins Mountain summit register
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"Uncle" Yukon makes a good wind screen
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Let's get off this cold and windy mountain!
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Happy to be heading towards the trailhead
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It wasn't the most fun but we made it!