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View from the trail
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All smiles on the summit
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Babe and Rainier
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Sunset Colors
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Blasting up the Ira Spring trail
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Marking the TNAB turnoff for the "old" trail
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You call this a "trail"?
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Yet was all ready for her close up at Mason Lake with the Lykkens
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Flowered hillside on the way to Defiance
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Roosevelt, Kaleetan, & Chair to the north
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Rowena runs through the lupine
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Kiefer plays in flowers on the summit
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yukon222 and runningbird discuss future TNAB hikes
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Larry and Magellan satisfy caloric requirements while Malachai Constant phones home
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Lime and grape
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Defiance summit flowers
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GQ-Hiker-Boy brings out the chardonnay for the summit toast
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Summit group shot
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Looking at the sunset colors through the trees
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Mason and Little Mason Lakes below Bandera Mountain
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Time to head back down
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Rowena scouts ahead
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Lupine, Bear Grass, Daisy, Tiger Lilly, Paintbrush, Ferns, Whippets, & Babe - oh my!
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Bear Grass
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Babe in alpenglow
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Goodnight sun
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Dude at sunset in a cloud of bugs
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Rowena considers the straight route down to the lakes
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Sunset colors around Rainier
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Defiance TH Shot