Schmidt Altitude: Lydall's Mariposa Lilly
Schmidt Altitude: Lydall's Mariposa Lilly
Schmidt Altitude: Up the Eightmile-Trout Creek trail
Schmidt Altitude: Through the old burn
Schmidt Altitude: Eightmile Lake below Axis Peak
Schmidt Altitude: Axis Peak above Eightmile Lake
Schmidt Altitude: Through the meadows of wildflowers
Schmidt Altitude: I am the Tishanater!
Schmidt Altitude: At the meadow
Schmidt Altitude: Stuart Range from Caroline Lake Pass
Schmidt Altitude: Approaching Caroline Lake Pass
Schmidt Altitude: First views of Mt Stuart in the distance
Schmidt Altitude: Red rocks, white snow, and green trees
Schmidt Altitude: Frozen Lake Caroline
Schmidt Altitude: First views of Cashmere from above Caroline Lake
Schmidt Altitude: Wamtngal in the snow filled meadow
Schmidt Altitude: Through the snowy meadow
Schmidt Altitude: Having fun
Schmidt Altitude: Posing in front of the scenery
Schmidt Altitude: Eightmile Mountain and Mount Stuart in the distance
Schmidt Altitude: Aasgard flanked by Enchantment and Dragontail Peaks
Schmidt Altitude: Cannon Mountain in the distance
Schmidt Altitude: Alpine porn!
Schmidt Altitude: I guess the views are worth a picture or two
Schmidt Altitude: Yukon and view
Schmidt Altitude: Mount Stuart (see the ice cliff glacier!)
Schmidt Altitude: Snow is easier to ascend than dirt!