schm: High_Key-1
schm: High_Key-2
schm: High_Key-4
schm: Haizahn
schm: Laeufer-1
schm: Long_exposure-1
schm: Netz
schm: Long_exposure-2
schm: Laeufer-2
schm: High_Key-5
schm: High_Key-3
schm: escape
schm: Schloss
schm: wide
schm: 53/11
schm: Blechlawine
schm: querstreifen
schm: way of light
schm: early_bird
schm: IMG_6708
schm: Orchidee
schm: Sommer?
schm: dust
schm: 1 of 500
schm: Strahlen
schm: edge
schm: Blüte
schm: cloud
schm: rain
schm: ...broken line