schmemily57: dropping frozen apples
schmemily57: tree climbing
schmemily57: 13/366: snowplay
schmemily57: 14/366: cheerie keiri
schmemily57: drcrop horror
schmemily57: 15/366 coyote watch
schmemily57: out back
schmemily57: 16/366
schmemily57: raspberries and cream!
schmemily57: 17/366 on the couch
schmemily57: 19/366 dairy smash
schmemily57: evidence i exist!
schmemily57: snow angel
schmemily57: 22/366 first ski
schmemily57: pack out
schmemily57: 21/366 snow angel
schmemily57: the butcher
schmemily57: 24/366 butchering pigs
schmemily57: my companions
schmemily57: 25/366 hay feeder
schmemily57: egg scouts
schmemily57: helping hands
schmemily57: little woman....big john deere
schmemily57: group shot plus one (hundred?)
schmemily57: 26/366 peek-a-boo
schmemily57: 27/366 mr. bogboots crabby pants
schmemily57: 28/366 alex and zeebie