schmechf: IMG_8420 Picking grapes at Fiddlers Green to feed to the tui on the drive up to Havelock before going to Maud Is
schmechf: IMG_8430 supplies just fitting in
schmechf: IMG_8431 repacking in quaranteen in Havelock before getting onto the boat for Maud Is.
schmechf: IMG_8446 unloading at Maud
schmechf: IMG_8461 mist netting in the rangers' garden at Maud Is
schmechf: IMG_8465 juv tui
schmechf: IMG_8467 views from Maud Is
schmechf: IMG_8490 Mike freeing an orange-fronted parakeet
schmechf: IMG_8500 orange front parakeet in mist net
schmechf: IMG_8503 orange front parakeet head
schmechf: IMG_8528 aviary for holding the tui
schmechf: IMG_8529 fruit in the aviary
schmechf: IMG_8535 Kay & Wayne at mist net
schmechf: IMG_8536 woolshed and main house garden
schmechf: IMG_8537 the lodge where we stayed
schmechf: IMG_8544 water patterns & boat
schmechf: IMG_8559 Maud Is frog
schmechf: IMG_8570 Maud Is frog dark colour
schmechf: IMG_8573 little blue penguin Maud Is
schmechf: IMG_8577 Maud Is frog face
schmechf: IMG_8589-1 giant weta on hand
schmechf: IMG_8594-3 flax weavil
schmechf: IMG_8600-1 flax weavil
schmechf: IMG_8609 morning clouds
schmechf: IMG_8629 Takahe stretch-1
schmechf: IMG_8631 takahe
schmechf: IMG_8638 tui bling
schmechf: IMG_8657 Phil, Willy, & Wayne watching net above the Jetty
schmechf: IMG_8673 the last tui caught #30
schmechf: IMG_8687 tui food prep-1