schmechf: Tarn at start of trip day 1
schmechf: Camp 1 Lucretia tarns day 1
schmechf: Blurry Frances but still moving end of day 1KJ
schmechf: Heading back from exploring Mt Technical end of day 1
schmechf: John K. above camp1, end of day 1
schmechf: Weta, start of day 2by JK
schmechf: Fault line day 2
schmechf: Heading towards camp 2, day 2
schmechf: John & Kelving looking down at Brass Monkey Biv, towards camp2, day 2
schmechf: The majic waterfall & swimming hole near camp 2
schmechf: Bathing beauties, day 2
schmechf: Shower power, day 2
schmechf: Camp2 'the trouble with tents', day 2
schmechf: Sundew, day 2
schmechf: Lewis Tops K on the ridge above camp, day 2
schmechf: SI Edelweiss (Leucogenes grandiceps), day 2
schmechf: camp2 basin SW of Brass Monkey Biv towards The Grand Duchess, day 2
schmechf: Weevil day 2 KJ
schmechf: Down the scree, end of day 2
schmechf: Lewis Tops camp 2, morning light, day 3 JK
schmechf: Misty morning camp2, start of day 3
schmechf: Kelvin cooling off day 3
schmechf: Frances along a faultline day 3 by Kelvin J.
schmechf: Kelvin along the final ridge day 3
schmechf: Gentian perhaps, day 3
schmechf: Lake Christabel day 3