schmancytoys: Schmancy!
schmancytoys: Bwana and young fan
schmancytoys: Bwana giving the love to fans
schmancytoys: Bwana paintings
schmancytoys: Abe Lincoln Jr. and Bwana Spoons
schmancytoys: Bwana makes doodles
schmancytoys: Abe Lincoln Jr. and Bwana Spoons
schmancytoys: Bwana signing books
schmancytoys: Pencils bring people together
schmancytoys: IMG_3334
schmancytoys: some of the wreckage.
schmancytoys: Who's gonna win?
schmancytoys: It becomes intense.
schmancytoys: It's the final countdown
schmancytoys: Husband vs. Wife
schmancytoys: Ready, go!
schmancytoys: pencilstashe
schmancytoys: The final two
schmancytoys: Nice try anyways
schmancytoys: Winner!
schmancytoys: Nice Try Vicky
schmancytoys: People
schmancytoys: pencils
schmancytoys: hangin'
schmancytoys: Action
schmancytoys: Wolfe, Spoons and Barnes
schmancytoys: Bwana signing
schmancytoys: Hilberts and a spoon