schloofu: Zelda's
schloofu: Priorities
schloofu: Picnictime
schloofu: Summer berry shortcake and chocolate cream pie
schloofu: Monk food
schloofu: Desserts
schloofu: Break out the Pepto
schloofu: Codfish Bacalau
schloofu: African chicken
schloofu: Feijoada
schloofu: Beef croquettes
schloofu: Pig ear salad
schloofu: Victory
schloofu: Really amazing Indian food
schloofu: Getting ready for a game of ten-pin
schloofu: Claypot rice
schloofu: Oyster pancake
schloofu: Dibs
schloofu: Midnight munchies
schloofu: A chocolate fedora, four minutes before its demise
schloofu: Scenes from a bakery window
schloofu: Breakfast
schloofu: Part of a balanced breakfast
schloofu: Coffee break
schloofu: Atticus Books
schloofu: Course #6: Blueberry sourdough bread pudding
schloofu: SUGAR BOAT
schloofu: Course #5: Cheese plate
schloofu: Course #4: Lemon tarragon palate cleanser
schloofu: Course #3: Kobe beef over lemon mashed potatoes