schleppzer: Seattle
schleppzer: Click Away Seattle
schleppzer: Seattle Art Museum Lobby
schleppzer: Take Me to the Art....No, Thanks.
schleppzer: The Abstract Aisle
schleppzer: Looking Out of the Museum
schleppzer: Bored at the Museum
schleppzer: Abstract Heads by Alexei Jawlensky
schleppzer: Observation
schleppzer: Stained Glass Window
schleppzer: Smoke Stack
schleppzer: Plastered
schleppzer: This Way. That Way.
schleppzer: Don't Lean Here
schleppzer: Post Alley
schleppzer: Down the Alley
schleppzer: Robot Stairs
schleppzer: Chains
schleppzer: 4:14 pm
schleppzer: Frowning
schleppzer: Old and New
schleppzer: Westin Parking
schleppzer: Natural Awning