schizoform: 20221127 unknown birds
schizoform: 20221127 transits
schizoform: 20221127 ships
schizoform: 20221127 smokestacks
schizoform: 20221128 Boisea rubrolineata (Western Boxelder Bug)
schizoform: 20221128 ashland hills
schizoform: 20221128 Odocoileus hemionus ssp. columbianus (Columbian Black-tailed Deer) in an Ashland alleyway (2)
schizoform: 20221128 Odocoileus hemionus ssp. columbianus (Columbian Black-tailed Deer) in an Ashland alleyway (1)
schizoform: 20221129 mountains inland of ashland
schizoform: 20221129 ashland heritage
schizoform: 20221130 Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron) in Eugene fog (2)
schizoform: 20221130 Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron) in Eugene fog (3)
schizoform: 20221130 foggy Oregon fields
schizoform: 20221130 Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron) in Eugene fog (4)
schizoform: 20221130 a traditional Christmas narwhal
schizoform: 20221130 Xanthoria parietina (Common Sunburst Lichen) and Evernia prunastri (Oakmoss)
schizoform: 20221130 Oregon fields (less foggy)
schizoform: 20221130 Taricha granulosa (Rough-skinned Newt) (1)
schizoform: 20221130 nala
schizoform: 20221130 nala starry-eyed
schizoform: 20221201 Oregon morning
schizoform: 20221201 Fallfield
schizoform: 20221201 Colaptes auratus (Northern Flicker) (2)
schizoform: 20221201 Lobaria pulmonaria (Tree Lungwort) (1)
schizoform: 20221201 spencer butte snowstorm (3)
schizoform: 20221203 another beautiful dawn
schizoform: 20221203 oregon from spencer butte
schizoform: 20221203 spencer butte trail
schizoform: 20221203 Pipilo maculatus (Spotted Towhee)
schizoform: 20221203 Neotamias townsendii (Townsend's Chipmunk) (1)