schizoform: 20241202 Tam Tu Metta Buddhist Center (9)
schizoform: 20230421 Japanese National Museum - c1350 Kannon (best)
schizoform: 202304 spring, finally
schizoform: 20230210 (fast and slow)
schizoform: 20221204 abstracted
schizoform: 20221115 healing
schizoform: 20221101 kmx diorama (5)
schizoform: 20221101 Pumphouse on the James
schizoform: 20221020 Symphyotrichum sp. (Aster) (1)
schizoform: 20220929 lost in the sound
schizoform: 20220929 seascape dyptic
schizoform: 20220620 rivanna scintillations
schizoform: 20220519 peony detail
schizoform: 20220503 vmfa scene
schizoform: 20220503 dalou [1883] bust of angelino cartioni (2)
schizoform: 20220216 distant encounters
schizoform: 20220203 VMFA interior
schizoform: 20220203 VMFA - Fred Tomaselli - Woodpecker - 2008
schizoform: 20220115 courting lamp
schizoform: 20220106 6pm batterylight
schizoform: 20220102p5 contrast
schizoform: 20220101 mist o'er the james (4)
schizoform: 20220101 out with the old broom
schizoform: 20211125 malthus rising
schizoform: 20211123 american crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
schizoform: 20211121 me mudflats
schizoform: 20211121 dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis)
schizoform: 20211113 perspective made easy
schizoform: 20211108 scavenge
schizoform: 20201108 silo (2)