schizoform: 20241105 autumn unmasked
schizoform: 20240925 if only i could remember my name
schizoform: 20240920 Solidago gigantea (Solidago gigantea) [inat obs id 243086042] (3)
schizoform: 20240906 wingstem
schizoform: 20240905 mistflower and goldenrod
schizoform: 20240721 swamp rose mallow (1)
schizoform: 20240629 Anemone virginiana (Anemone virginiana) [inat obs id 226051926]
schizoform: 20240607 Lysimachia borealis (northern starflower) [inat obs id 221677333]
schizoform: 20240525 Ceratina strenua (Ceratina strenua) [inat obs id 218236406] (2)
schizoform: 20240315 Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot) (1)
schizoform: 20240308 Hepatica americana (Hepatica americana) [inat obs id 201743846]
schizoform: 20231203 Cladonia on wood spire (2)
schizoform: 20230918 Mistflower and Brown-eyed Susans
schizoform: 20230702 Helianthus annuus (Common Sunflower)
schizoform: 20230630 calligrapher on bee balm
schizoform: 20230613 Monarda (stark)
schizoform: 20230520 the Ring
schizoform: 20230508 Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper) huge
schizoform: 20230508 Ulmus alata (Winged Elm)
schizoform: 20230501 philadelphia fleabane striving
schizoform: 20230501 Wisteria frutescens (American Wisteria) bloom
schizoform: 20230424 nara - Conocephalum sp (Snakeworts) maybe
schizoform: 20230423 kyoto trail canopy (1)
schizoform: 20230423 arashiyama - Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) vs shadowed tree
schizoform: 20230421 toshogu peony garden - peony (3)
schizoform: 20230421 toshogu peony garden - peonies (3)
schizoform: 20230421 toshogu peony garden - peony center (2)
schizoform: 20230420 Rhododendron (azelia) blooms (3)
schizoform: 20230415 Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's Slipper)
schizoform: 20230412 bc 'no tresspassing' signs are tacky