Kent Schimke: A18001
Kent Schimke: Silence is Golden
Kent Schimke: 40 Image Sequence 4 Times
Kent Schimke: WonderfulWorldofFractalKaleidoscopes
Kent Schimke: P5290072
Kent Schimke: Fractal Zoom Video
Kent Schimke: Kaleidomotion
Kent Schimke: 12 frames a second
Kent Schimke: 0609001
Kent Schimke: P6080087
Kent Schimke: Happy Father's Day
Kent Schimke: 17 seconds of fun
Kent Schimke: Half and Half
Kent Schimke: FireWorks
Kent Schimke: FireWorks01
Kent Schimke: Cat Grooming
Kent Schimke: Julia Kaleidoscope Animation
Kent Schimke: Julia Set Kaleidi-vid
Kent Schimke: Mandelbrot at the Movies
Kent Schimke: 534 Kaleidoscope Movie
Kent Schimke: 0814001
Kent Schimke: Dare You to do a flip