Claude Schildknecht: Akko, Diana, Amanda & Sucy
Claude Schildknecht: Akko & Diana
Claude Schildknecht: Akko & Diana
Claude Schildknecht: Akko & Diana
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: Encounter with a vampire @ cosplay convention
Claude Schildknecht: SchildCl_20181117_4637