Erik Schepers: Feeding oyster-catcher
Erik Schepers: Loro Barranqueros - Burrowing Parrots
Erik Schepers: Kelpgull in flight
Erik Schepers: Pingiuno
Erik Schepers: Seagull
Erik Schepers: Pinguino
Erik Schepers: Loros
Erik Schepers: Loro Barranqueros - Burrowing Parrots II
Erik Schepers: Boomklever
Erik Schepers: Claws
Erik Schepers: scared crow
Erik Schepers: Another Red Robin
Erik Schepers: Red Robin
Erik Schepers: Pimpelmeesje
Erik Schepers: O well, Hello mister toucan
Erik Schepers: Parrot, ready to clash
Erik Schepers: Glanskop / March tit (thanks to Alastair!)
Erik Schepers: Giant Southern Petrel
Erik Schepers: Sitting, Watching