temptationize: lee loo
temptationize: mister lethal
temptationize: corporal punishment
temptationize: mister lethal
temptationize: carmen getsome blue
temptationize: carmen getsome red
temptationize: carmen getsome
temptationize: carmen getsome
temptationize: the grill
temptationize: bruise lee's feet
temptationize: killer bee-otch
temptationize: killer bee-otch
temptationize: georgia o'grief
temptationize: blanket party
temptationize: blanket party
temptationize: riot act
temptationize: pamo's beer
temptationize: della terious
temptationize: beatnik
temptationize: smililn' beatnik
temptationize: della terious
temptationize: sara problem
temptationize: rollin' bayou
temptationize: scarlet leather
temptationize: iron and mister megan
temptationize: quadzilla
temptationize: carmen getsome
temptationize: gd hangin'
temptationize: killer bee-otch