crossXnature: Wehlachweiher im Winter
crossXnature: Neuer Rehbach im Winter
crossXnature: Sunrise in Hassloch
crossXnature: Morgenstimmung - Morning mood
crossXnature: Rehbach - Pfalz
crossXnature: Haßlocher Wald - Pfalz
crossXnature: Sunrise
crossXnature: Sonnenaufgang in der Vorderpfalz
crossXnature: Autumn sunrise - Sonnenaufgang
crossXnature: Before they disappear - beautifulness of a pine forest
crossXnature: Forest walk
crossXnature: The path
crossXnature: Haßlocher Wald - Pfalz
crossXnature: Autumn - softly spoken
crossXnature: Naturgarten - Skabiosen-Flockenblume
crossXnature: Summer
crossXnature: Summer
crossXnature: Sonnenaufgang
crossXnature: Sundowner
crossXnature: Sundowner
crossXnature: Autumn Sunrise
crossXnature: Orange Sunrise
crossXnature: Shining grass (even in the night)
crossXnature: light-weight
crossXnature: winter