Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-On KP in the field, Camp Cooke, CA, Thomas Rohland scrubbing the pan
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Cpl. Thomas Rohland and T/5 Joseph Rusnak, Phillipsburg, PA
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Pfc. Hobart Black from Yosemite, KY
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Cpl. Thomas Rohland in front of the M-36 he served on, A-16.
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-M-36-Unknown, he's in another pic and Thomas Rohland on right
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-M-36 TD's parked along an autobahn
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Cpl. Thomas Rohland and the M-36 he served on, A-16.
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-On the autobahn to Kassel, Germany. M-36 that Thomas Rohland served on
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-M-36's parked along a highway outside Kassel, Germany
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-M-36's, probably from Co. A, parked along a highway outside Kassel, Germany
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Cpl Thomas Rohland in front of the railroad station, Kassel, Germany
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Unknown (he's in the co-driver seat of an M36 in another photo) and Thomas Rohland
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Unknown in the co-driver/radio operators seat
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Unknown in an M-36 TD-probably driver of A-16
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Unknown and Thomas Rohland
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Lt. Daniel M. Auvil, Company A, Mineral, WA
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Field kitchen
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Corporal Ira J. Rush, 2nd from left, Nelmer A. Halsa, 3rd from left (sitting) and rest are unknowns around tents
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-L to R-Corporal Charles C. Stewart Jr. and T4 Edward P. Dygulski in Brussels, Belgium
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-On the .45 cal. pistol range in Sunna, Germany
Natman1: 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion-Company A personnel, Oct 14, 1944, France