scchiang: Gunther Goth
scchiang: Boy Mortimer Goth
scchiang: Ms. Ghost
scchiang: The Sims 3 Launcher
scchiang: Don's birthday party
scchiang: Don's birthday party
scchiang: Leader of Free World
scchiang: Grim Reaper
scchiang: Grim Reaper
scchiang: A party
scchiang: Wonderful view!
scchiang: In the house
scchiang: Mortimer dates other sim
scchiang: Bella, what are you doing? (1/5)
scchiang: Bella, what are you doing? (2/5)
scchiang: Bella, what are you doing? (3/5)
scchiang: Bella, what are you doing? (4/5)
scchiang: Bella, what are you doing? (5/5)
scchiang: Conversation with the Grim Reaper
scchiang: Car accident!? (1/2)
scchiang: Car accident!? (2/2)
scchiang: Protest (2/2)
scchiang: Protest (1/2)
scchiang: Grim Reaper is reading
scchiang: Protest