scbushnell: Skipper butterfly
scbushnell: Female ruby throated hummingbird
scbushnell: Ready to land
scbushnell: Bees collecting pollen
scbushnell: Argiope spider with a butterfly lunch
scbushnell: AKA Garden spider, writing spider
scbushnell: Robber fly
scbushnell: White-tail deer
scbushnell: Genetically rare pattern called "piebald"
scbushnell: Canoe briefing
scbushnell: Muddy River
scbushnell: Paddling excursion
scbushnell: Karen explains the weir
scbushnell: Karen pointing out the wildlife at the head of the Rhode River
scbushnell: Feamale dark-form of Tiger Swallowtail
scbushnell: Painted Lady Butterfly
scbushnell: Wasp pollinator
scbushnell: Solar panels
scbushnell: SERC's dock
scbushnell: Rhode River
scbushnell: Karen explains line-fishing for crabs
scbushnell: The bait
scbushnell: Trying to catch crabs
scbushnell: Caught a sea nettle instead
scbushnell: Tiny mud crabs and fish
scbushnell: Female blue crab
scbushnell: Eager to return to the water
scbushnell: Barnacles encrusting a crab trap
scbushnell: The seining beach
scbushnell: Pulling on the waders