scbushnell: Glad to have visitors
scbushnell: Apples and pats
scbushnell: Pony in need of a trim
scbushnell: Mavis cuddles a calf
scbushnell: Piggies
scbushnell: Double donkeys
scbushnell: Hangin' with the Muppets
scbushnell: O Christmas Tree
scbushnell: Mom gets a calendar designed by Wylie
scbushnell: Mavis unwraps American Girl fashions
scbushnell: Mavis and Kit
scbushnell: Bunk beds by Mom and Dad
scbushnell: Playtime for Jolie
scbushnell: Who's having more fun?
scbushnell: A Splendid Table
scbushnell: Nap time
scbushnell: It's warm by the fire