scazza_: Penn Station
scazza_: the train
scazza_: haze
scazza_: travelling
scazza_: taking the ferry in the dark
scazza_: the ferry
scazza_: view from the ferry
scazza_: breakfast view
scazza_: breakfast view
scazza_: new suit
scazza_: light
scazza_: yellow dotted field
scazza_: juice and java
scazza_: farmer's market
scazza_: 11am
scazza_: the sisters' back yard
scazza_: Corn Neck Road
scazza_: Corn Neck Road
scazza_: Corn Neck Road
scazza_: Mansion Road
scazza_: Turn left for a more secluded beach
scazza_: eggs?
scazza_: touching my toes
scazza_: sea monster
scazza_: camped under the cliffs
scazza_: jumping in
scazza_: reflection
scazza_: dune
scazza_: in the Atlantic
scazza_: glimmer